Calories Burned Calculator

30 - 300 pounds or 35 - 160 kgs

Understanding Calories Burned

The number of calories that the body burns during regular daily activities or exercise is dependent on various factors, so it is not an exact science. The results of this calculator (and any other) are based on standardized data that references an "average" person, so it is only an estimate.

Factors Affecting Calories Burned

Body Mass and Duration

A person's body mass affects how many calories they burn, even at rest. A person who is larger due to more muscle, fat, or height burns more calories. Duration of exercise is another factor - the longer a person performs an exercise, the more calories they will burn.

Exercise Intensity

Exercise intensity is measured using MET (metabolic equivalent of a task). The more intense the exercise, the greater the number of calories burned. MET represents the ratio of energy expended during an activity compared to resting.

Exercise Intensity Categories:
  • Light intensity: Walking slowly (2.0 MET)
  • Moderate intensity: Swimming general (6.0 MET)
  • Vigorous intensity: Running 8 mph (11.8 MET)

Calculating Calories Burned


Calories = (Time × MET × Body Weight) / 200

Where time is in minutes and body weight is in kilograms.